My extraordinary kids

Beth has 3 kids. But, to be honest, they are my kids; she just gave birth to them before she knew me. Seriously, those kids are more “little me”s than I am willing to admit. Especially, the difficult, often infuriating tiny one.

Meet my babies:

Catherine Grace

She is 16. Is an artist in every sense – she can draw (a trait she clearly gets from her mom) and write (and then there’s me) and has the most amazing imagination and stories. I could listen to her for hours. And I do. Her mind works outside of the norm and I adore it. She is beautiful and funny and has the most endearing laugh.

Nicholas Rogan

This little toot is 14. From the first moment I met him, I told Beth that this kid is my spirit animal. And he continues to be. He is wicked smart, shy around people he doesn’t know, very creative, and that kid is so funny. His humor is dry and dark and very much like mine. He, however, is very into video games and building amazing things from Legos – which is not my strongest skill.

Sophia Reign

I don’t even have words for this 11-year-old kid other than: little me. Maybe not completely but really close. She is indeed the most frustrating of all – she is a super picky eater, even pickier than me. She has the same sweetness I used to have and the same temper. She makes sweet, little gifts for other people and is extremely helpful…when she wants to be. She loves to cuddle (I’m not a big cuddler but it’s amazing how quickly I became one with this tiny toot) and play with the animals. She is the youngest so she is trying to grow up too fast and I feel like I should stop her because she is oddly perfect just the way she is.

And here’s my family

Oh – and the tea party I wasn’t supposed to see